Create a safe space for people from all walks of life to encounter Jesus and become the best version of themselves Spirit, Soul, Body.
To love people unconditionally, without expectation of change, giving them tools to discover whole health and become the best version of themselves, spirit, soul, and body.
We believe that if we create a safe place for people to become healthy in their mind and body, they will begin to trust us and invite us to speak into the health of their spirit.
Our spirit is our connection to God and makes us aware of something bigger than ourselves. It is the part of us that we should submit everything too.
Healthy Spirit Defined:
Solid identity as a son or daughter of God
Understands their gifting and callings
Consistent prayer life (two-way communication with the Lord)
Understanding of spiritual principles
Sowing and reaping
Love others as yourself
Fruits of the spirit
Ministries/Programs to support spirit health:
Sunday services
Pastoral care
Worship services
Prayer team
Healing ministries
Prophetic ministries
Bible studies
Life groups
Home groups
Youth group
Our soul is our mind will and emotions. Our soul can best be described as what is going on between our ears.
Healthy Soul Defined:
Emotionally healthy (confronts and processes emotions, not ruled by them)
Quality Healthy Relationships
Able to have respectful honorable conversations and confrontations
Beneficial behavior patterns and habits
In control of thought life
Displays high level of self-control
Ministries/programs to support soul health:
Sunday Services
Pastoral Care
Life coaches
Healing ministry
Social work
Life groups
Home groups
Youth Group
Our body is our connection to this world and houses our spirit and our soul.
Healthy Body Defined:
Weight in line with body type
Consistent good nutrition habits
Consistent exercise habits
Low rate of disease and sickness
Bio markers in line with health expert recommendations
Vital, vibrant, and energetic
Healthy body composition
Hormones levels in balance
Able to do desired physical activities (i.e., play with kids, hike, explore, etc.)
Ministries/programs to support body health:
Exercise classes
Nutrition classes
Nutrition coaching
Personal training
Healing ministry